Use the square root property to solve for the indicated variable. Assume that the variable represents positive numbers. Express all radicals in simplied form.

2e^2 = 3h, for e

2e^2 = 3h

e^2 = (3/2)*h
e = sqrt((3/2)*h)

thank you

To solve the equation 2e^2 = 3h for e using the square root property, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate e^2:
e^2 = (3h) / 2

Step 2: Take the square root of both sides of the equation. Remember to consider both the positive and negative square roots:
√(e^2) = ±√((3h) / 2)

Step 3: Simplify the square root of e^2 to e:
e = ±√((3h) / 2)

Since the variable e represents positive numbers, we discard the negative square root. Therefore, the final solution is:
e = √((3h) / 2), in simplified form.