Exponential Growth and Decay

Find the half-life of a radioactive substance that decays by 5% in 9 years.

x = xi e^-kt

.95 = e^-9 k
ln .95 = -9k
k = .005699

.5 = e^-.005699 t
ln .5 = - .005699 t
t = 121.6 years

To find the half-life of a radioactive substance that decays by a certain percentage over a certain time period, we can use the formula for exponential decay:

N(t) = N0 * (1 - r)^t

- N(t) represents the remaining amount of the substance at time t.
- N0 represents the initial amount of the substance.
- r represents the decay rate (expressed as a decimal).
- t represents the time period.

In this case, the substance decays by 5%, so the decay rate would be 0.05 (or 5%/100 = 0.05). The time period is 9 years.

We want to find the half-life, which is the time it takes for the substance to decay by half of its original amount (N0/2). So we can set up the equation:

N(t) = N0/2

N0 * (1 - 0.05)^9 = N0/2

Now we can solve for N0:

(1 - 0.05)^9 = 1/2

0.95^9 = 1/2

0.4877 ≈ 1/2

Now we can solve for t:

t = 9 years

Therefore, using the given decay rate, it takes approximately 9 years for the substance to decay by half (or to reach its half-life).