Find value of tan75/2





To find the value of tan(75°/2), we can use the half-angle formula for tangent. The half-angle formula for tangent states that:

tan(x/2) = ±√((1-cosx)/(1+cosx))

We can substitute x with 75° in the formula to solve for tan(75°/2).

Step 1: Calculate cos(75°)
To find cos(75°), we can use the trigonometric identity, cos(a - b) = cosacosb + sinasinb. In this case, a = 30° and b = 45°.

cos(75°) = cos(30° + 45°)
= cos(30°)cos(45°) - sin(30°)sin(45°)
= (√3/2)(√2/2) - (1/2)(√2/2)
= (√6/4) - (√2/4)
= (√6 - √2)/4

Step 2: Substitute cos(75°) into the half-angle formula
Now, substitute cos(75°) into the half-angle formula for tangent:

tan(75°/2) = ±√((1 - cos75°)/(1 + cos75°))
= ±√((1 - (√6 - √2)/4)/(1 + (√6 - √2)/4))

By simplifying the expression, we can find the value of tan(75°/2).

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15root over3

If you mean tan(75/2), then

sin215 = (1+cos30)/2 = (2-√3)/4
cos215 = (1-cos30)/2 = (2+√3)/4

sin75 = cos15
cos75 = sin15

tan 75/2 = (1-cos75)/sin75
= (1 - √(2-√3)/4)/√((2+√3)/4)
= (2 - √(2 - √3))/√(2 + √3)
= 0.7673