You want to buy a cd plaer that cost $99. you already have $15.00. If you save $12 per week, when will you have enough money to buy the cd player?

i need to write an expression and solve it.
i wrote: x/12 - $15 = $99
im not sure how to do this?

wait: igot this instead:

12 (x) +15 = $99
12(7) + 15 = $99
84 + 25 = $99

12x = 99 - 15

To solve this problem, you need to write an expression that represents the amount of money you will have after each week.

Let's say the number of weeks it takes for you to have enough money to buy the CD player is represented by x. Since you can save $12 per week, the expression for the total amount of money you will have after x weeks can be written as:

Total amount of money = $15 + ($12 * x)

Now, we want the total amount of money to be equal to or greater than $99, which represents the cost of the CD player. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

$15 + ($12 * x) ≥ $99

Simplifying this equation, we subtract $15 from both sides:

($12 * x) ≥ $99 - $15
($12 * x) ≥ $84

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 12 to isolate the variable x:

x ≥ $84 / $12
x ≥ 7

So, you will have enough money to buy the CD player after at least 7 weeks.