where would you put the parentheses to make this true

124-6 x 0 + 15 = 34

124 - 6 x (0 + 15) = 34

Use "*" to indicate multiplication online, since "x" might be confused with an unknown.

124 - 6(0+15) = 34

124 - 90 = 34

34 = 34


To make the equation true, you need to add parentheses to indicate the order of operations. The order of operations states that you should solve multiplication and division before addition and subtraction.

In the given equation, 6 multiplied by 0 comes first, followed by addition and subtraction. Since any number multiplied by 0 is always 0, we can rewrite the equation as:

124 - (6 x 0) + 15 = 34

Now, we can solve inside the parentheses first:

124 - 0 + 15 = 34

Next, we perform addition and subtraction from left to right:

124 + 15 - 0 = 34

Finally, we get:

139 - 0 = 34

Since 139 is not equal to 34, it is not possible to put parentheses in a way that makes the equation true.