how do you do this problem5(k-7)-k+7

i know the answer is 4k+ -8 but i need to figure out how i show my work


5k - 35 - k + 7

4k - 28

thanks so much that really help me

You're very welcome.

To simplify the expression 5(k-7)-k+7, you need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

Step 1: Distribute the 5 to remove the parentheses:
5 × k - 5 × 7 - k + 7

Result: 5k - 35 - k + 7

Step 2: Combine like terms:
(5k - k) + (-35 + 7)

Simplify k terms: 4k + (-35 + 7)

Combine constant terms: 4k - 28

So, the simplified expression is 4k - 28.