so 3/8 is 16 centi on a scale

and what is 3/4 on a scale?

To find out what 3/4 is on the same scale as 3/8, we need to understand the relationship between the two fractions.

First, let's examine 3/8. This fraction represents 3 out of 8 equal parts. If we translate this into a scale, it means that if the total scale represents 8 units, then 3/8 of that scale would be 3 units.

Now, we can apply this understanding to find 3/4 on the same scale. If 3/8 represents 3 units, we can set up a proportion.

3/8 = x/4

To solve for x, which represents the number of units 3/4 is on the scale, we cross-multiply:

3 * 4 = 8 * x

12 = 8x

To isolate x, we divide both sides by 8:

12/8 = x

1.5 = x

Therefore, 3/4 on the scale is equivalent to 1.5 units.