A phone company charges $0.40 per long distance call plus $0.20 per minute. Find the cost of an 18-minute long distance phone call.

Please explain it if you can

18 min*0.20=3.6

$4.00, the wording tripped me up a bit..

To find the cost of an 18-minute long distance phone call, we can break down the charges involved.

First, we know that the phone company charges $0.40 per long distance call. This means that regardless of the call duration, there is a fixed charge of $0.40.

Next, we know that there is an additional charge of $0.20 per minute of the call duration. Since the call lasts for 18 minutes, we can calculate this charge by multiplying the duration (18 minutes) by the rate per minute ($0.20).

The total cost of the call can be calculated by adding the fixed charge ($0.40) to the charge per minute (18 minutes * $0.20). Let's do the math:

Fixed charge = $0.40
Charge per minute = 18 minutes * $0.20 = $3.60

Total cost = Fixed charge + Charge per minute
= $0.40 + $3.60
= $4.00

Therefore, the cost of an 18-minute long distance phone call is $4.00.