Helen has$1.35 in her bank in nickels and dimes. There are 9 more nickels than dimes. Find the number she has of each kind.

A dime equals 5 so 9x5=45. 135-45=90. So if there are 9 more nickels then dimes there is 18 dimes. 18x5=90


Let D = the number of dimes.

So, D + 9 = the number of nickels.
D * 10 + (D + 9) * 5=135
15 * D + 45 = 135
15 * D = 90
Divide both sides by 15
D = 6
There are six dimes.
So, the number of nickels is 6 + 9 = 15

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations using the information given.

Let's assume that Helen has x number of dimes.

Since there are 9 more nickels than dimes, she would have x + 9 nickels.

Now, let's calculate the total value of the coins. The value of each dime is $0.10, and the value of each nickel is $0.05.

The total value of the dimes would be 0.10x dollars.
The total value of the nickels would be 0.05(x + 9) dollars.

According to the problem, the total value of the coins Helen has is $1.35.

So, we can set up the equation:
0.10x + 0.05(x + 9) = 1.35

Now let's solve this equation:

0.10x + 0.05x + 0.45 = 1.35
0.15x + 0.45 = 1.35
0.15x = 1.35 - 0.45
0.15x = 0.90
x = 0.90 / 0.15
x = 6

Therefore, Helen has 6 dimes and 6 + 9 = 15 nickels.