Sally has three times as many dimes as nickels and twice as many quarters as dimes.In all she has $5.55. How many coins of each type does she have?

Let 2x=quarters
x=nickles <---- is that correct please help put

It's easy enough to check.

The numbers add up, and the values add up.

You added wrong at the very end. 4.50 + .90 + .15 does indeed make 5.55

However, your equations do not represent the facts:

x = nickels
3x = dimes
2(3x) = 6x = quarters

5x + 10(3x) + 25(6x) = 555
185x = 555

i think the answer is

3 nickels .15
9 dimes .90
18 quarters 4.50
total 5.50

Megan has three times as many quarters than nickels. She has one less dime than the number of quarters. If she has a total of $4.30, how many of each coin does she have ?

Nickels = x

Quarters = 3x
Dimes = 3x-1

Plug in equation with coin values in ()...
(5)x + (25)3x + (10)3x-1 = 430
5x + 75x + 30x - 10 = 430
80x + 30x - 10 = 430
110x -10 = 430
110x -10 +10 = 430 + 10
110x = 440
x = 4
Nickels = 4 (x)
Quarters = 12 (3x)
Dimes = 11 (3x-1)

4x5=20 N
12x25=300 Q
11x10=110 D /
20+300+110= 430 cents \/

To solve this problem, let's begin by setting up equations based on the given information:

Let's say that the number of nickels is represented by 'x'.
Since Sally has three times as many dimes as nickels, the number of dimes would be 3x.
And since she has twice as many quarters as dimes, the number of quarters would be 2(3x) = 6x.

Now, let's move on to the values of the coins:
The value of a nickel is $0.05, so the total value of nickels would be 0.05x.
The value of a dime is $0.10, so the total value of dimes would be 0.10(3x) = 0.30x.
The value of a quarter is $0.25, so the total value of quarters would be 0.25(6x) = 1.50x.

Finally, we can set up the equation based on the total value of all the coins:
0.05x + 0.30x + 1.50x = $5.55.

Combining like terms, we have:
1.85x = $5.55.

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 1.85:
x = $5.55 / 1.85.

Evaluating this, we find:
x = 3.

So, Sally has:
- 3 nickels
- 3(3) = 9 dimes
- 6(3) = 18 quarters.

Therefore, Sally has 3 nickels, 9 dimes, and 18 quarters.