I need help unscrambling these french words: srteelt, sbrtmie and eiuocrrl. thank you for helping :)

Try a unscarmbler website for french words

1. lettres

2. timbres
3. ?

This is not HELPING; this is DOING. Please check the 8 letters in #3 because I can not think of ONE word that will work.

Sra (aka Mme)


To unscramble French words, you can rearrange the letters until you find a valid word in French. Let's unscramble the words you provided:

1. srteelt: To unscramble this word, we can rearrange the letters to form "lettres," which means "letters" in French.

2. sbrtmie: Rearranging the letters gives us "timbres," which means "stamps" in French.

3. eiuocrrl: The unscrambled word is "recourir," which means "to resort" or "to have recourse" in French.

So the unscrambled words are "lettres" for "srteelt," "timbres" for "sbrtmie," and "recourir" for "eiuocrrl."