Verbs in Predicates

A. Write the verb in the complete predicate.

1. They climb mountain.
2. They sit by waterfalls.
3. Rangers share nature stories.
4. Guides explain different areas.
5. Visitor like the area.


1. Climb mountains.
2. Sit by waterfalls.
3. Share nature stories.
4. Explain different areas.
5. The area.

All of your answers are the complete predicates, except for # 5. What are the verbs in those sentences?

5. You missed the verb in the complete predicate.

5. Like the area.


Visitors like area.

Visitors is the subject and not part of the predicate.

Like the area.

To find the verb in the complete predicate, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence. The subject is the person or thing that performs the action or is being described.
2. Look for the action or description happening in the sentence. This action or description is usually expressed by the verb.
3. Identify the verb that matches the subject and is part of the complete predicate.

Let's apply these steps to the sentences you provided:

1. They climb mountains.
- Subject: "They"
- Action/Verb: "climb"

2. They sit by waterfalls.
- Subject: "They"
- Action/Verb: "sit"

3. Rangers share nature stories.
- Subject: "Rangers"
- Action/Verb: "share"

4. Guides explain different areas.
- Subject: "Guides"
- Action/Verb: "explain"

5. Visitors like the area.
- Subject: "Visitors"
- Action/Verb: "like"

So, the verbs in the complete predicates are:

1. Climb mountains.
2. Sit by waterfalls.
3. Share nature stories.
4. Explain different areas.
5. Like the area.