Can the coefficient of static friction be greater than one? Less than zero? How about for the coefficient of kinetic friction? Please explain.

Yes, it can be more than one. Put super glue on the contact area. Less than zero? That would be neat, push on a block, and then friction takes over and pushes it in the same direction...

The coefficient of friction is a dimensionless quantity that represents the amount of friction between two surfaces in contact. It has both static and kinetic components.

1. Coefficient of static friction:
The coefficient of static friction represents the friction between two surfaces that are not currently in relative motion (i.e., at rest). It determines the minimum force required to start moving an object or body across a surface. The coefficient of static friction can range from zero to any positive value.

To determine the coefficient of static friction experimentally, you can follow these steps:
a. Place the object on a flat surface.
b. Gradually increase the force applied parallel to the surface until the object starts moving.
c. Measure the force required to initiate motion.
d. Divide the measured force by the weight of the object to get the coefficient of static friction.

If the coefficient of static friction is greater than one, it means that the force required to initiate motion is greater than the weight of the object. This scenario is uncommon and typically not observed in real-world materials. It suggests that the surface is highly resistant to motion.

2. Coefficient of kinetic friction:
The coefficient of kinetic friction represents the friction between two surfaces when they are in relative motion. It determines the resistive force acting on the object as it slides or moves across the surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction can also range from zero to any positive value.

To determine the coefficient of kinetic friction experimentally, you can follow these steps:
a. Set up a system where the object is already in motion, moving at a constant speed.
b. Measure the force required to maintain this constant velocity.
c. Divide the measured force by the weight of the object to get the coefficient of kinetic friction.

If the coefficient of kinetic friction is less than zero, it implies that the measured force to maintain constant velocity is negative. This scenario violates the laws of physics and is not physically possible.

In summary, the coefficient of static friction can be greater than one, but it is rare and uncommon. It cannot be less than zero. Similarly, the coefficient of kinetic friction cannot be less than zero.