How do you convert?

(a) 4.50 Cal to calories
(b) 600.0 Cal to kilojoules
(c) 1.000 J to calories
(d) 50.0 Cal to joules

I wish teachers would get away from Calories vs calories. A Calorie (with a capital C, sometimes called a "big calorie" actually is a kilocalorie and should be addressed as such.

So 1 Cal = 1000 calories.
There are 4.184 joules in 1 calorie.
You can convert from anything to anything if you know the conversion factor. I gave those to you above. Here is how you do the 4.5 Cal to calories.
?calories = 4.5 Cal x (1000 calories/1 Cal) = xx
Note that the conversion factor of (1000 calories/1 Cal) is arranged (placed 1000/1Cal and not 1 Cal/1000 calories) so that the unit Cal in the numerator and denominator cancel and the unit left is the unit you want for the answer.
All of the others are done the same way. Someone will be glad to check your answers if you care to post them.

To convert between different units of energy, you can use conversion factors. Here are the step-by-step conversions for each question:

(a) Converting 4.50 Cal to calories:
1 Calorie (Cal) is equal to 1000 calories. So, to convert from Cal to calories, you can multiply the value by 1000.
4.50 Cal * 1000 = 4500 calories

So, 4.50 Cal is equal to 4500 calories.

(b) Converting 600.0 Cal to kilojoules:
1 calorie (cal) is equal to 0.004184 kilojoules (kJ). So, to convert from calories to kilojoules, you can multiply the value by 0.004184.
600.0 Cal * 0.004184 = 2.5104 kilojoules

So, 600.0 Cal is equal to 2.5104 kilojoules.

(c) Converting 1.000 J to calories:
1 calorie (cal) is equal to 4.184 joules (J). So, to convert from joules to calories, you can divide the value by 4.184.
1.000 J / 4.184 = 0.239 cal

So, 1.000 J is approximately equal to 0.239 calories.

(d) Converting 50.0 Cal to joules:
1 Calorie (Cal) is equal to 4184 joules (J). So, to convert from Cal to joules, you can multiply the value by 4184.
50.0 Cal * 4184 = 209200 joules

So, 50.0 Cal is equal to 209200 joules.

To convert units, you can use conversion factors. These factors relate the two units you want to convert between. Let's go through each conversion:

(a) To convert 4.50 Cal to calories:
1 Calorie (Cal) is equal to 1000 calories (cal). So, you can multiply 4.50 Cal by 1000 to get the result in calories:
4.50 Cal * 1000 = 4500 calories

Therefore, 4.50 Cal is equal to 4500 calories.

(b) To convert 600.0 Cal to kilojoules:
1 Calorie (Cal) is equal to 4.184 kilojoules (kJ). Multiply the given value by the conversion factor to get the result:
600.0 Cal * 4.184 kJ/1 Cal = 2504.4 kilojoules

Therefore, 600.0 Cal is equal to 2504.4 kilojoules.

(c) To convert 1.000 J to calories:
1 calorie (cal) is equal to 0.001 joules (J). Divide the given value by the conversion factor to get the result:
1.000 J / 0.001 cal/J = 1000 calories

Therefore, 1.000 J is equal to 1000 calories.

(d) To convert 50.0 Cal to joules:
1 Calorie (Cal) is equal to 4.184 joules (J). Multiply the given value by the conversion factor to get the result:
50.0 Cal * 4.184 J/1 Cal = 209.2 joules

Therefore, 50.0 Cal is equal to 209.2 joules.