An experiment was done to determine the formula and formation constant of a metal ammine. The data were graphed giving a straight line plot with an equation of

y = -5.9484x - 11.447.

What is the correct forumla for this metal amine?


To determine the correct formula for the metal amine, we need to analyze the equation of the straight line plot.

The equation given is: y = -5.9484x - 11.447, where y represents the enthalpy change of the reaction, and x represents the concentration of ammonia (NH3).

In this case, the metal amine can be represented as MX(NH3)n, where M is the metal ion and X is the charge on the metal ion. The subscript "n" indicates the number of ammonia molecules (NH3) coordinated to the metal ion.

Based on the equation of the straight line plot, the coefficient (-5.9484) multiplied by x represents the change in enthalpy (y) caused by the addition of each mole of ammonia (NH3). This means that for each mole of ammonia added, the enthalpy decreases by 5.9484 units.

Given that the metal amine has a positive charge, it means that ammonia, being a neutral molecule, acts as a ligand and donates electrons to the metal ion. With each ammonia ligand coordinated, the enthalpy of the reaction decreases.

By considering the slope of the line, -5.9484, and the fact that adding each mole of ammonia (NH3) decreases the enthalpy, we can conclude that the metal amine has a formula of MX(NH3)6+.

Therefore, the correct formula for this metal amine is M(NH3)6+.