what is introductory material. Provide an example and then explain what kind of punctuation is needed and why? Introductory material introduces the subject of the sentence. Although he faced 3 years in prison, Bishop told the truth. The sentence needs a comma and period, because the comma sets off the introductory clause and the period ends the sentence.

Right! :-)

Introductory material refers to a part of a sentence that introduces the subject or provides additional information before the main clause. It is typically set off by punctuation marks to separate it from the rest of the sentence.

In the provided example, "Although he faced 3 years in prison" is the introductory material. It provides background information before the main clause "Bishop told the truth."

The introductory material requires a comma to separate it from the main clause. The comma serves as a signal to the reader that the introductory material is distinct from the rest of the sentence. It helps to clarify the structure and meaning of the sentence.

Additionally, at the end of the sentence, a period is used to indicate the end of the complete sentence. It signifies a full stop, creating a clear boundary between the introductory material and the main clause.

Correctly punctuating introductory material is important for understanding the intended meaning and structure of a sentence. It helps to ensure clarity and readability for the reader.