Assume Mary is forced to let her children go hungry or steal some food from a local grocery store. Which should she do? Construct an argument that supports Mary's decision to steal the food or an argument that shows why Mary should not steal the food.

I'll be glad to critique your answer.

5. all the above

When faced with such a difficult situation, it is important to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences of any actions taken. Both options, letting her children go hungry or stealing, raise valid concerns that need to be carefully evaluated.

Argument in support of stealing the food:
1. The well-being and the lives of her children are of paramount importance. As a mother, Mary is responsible for ensuring their basic needs are met, including providing food for their sustenance.
2. If Mary lets her children go hungry, it could have severe short-term and long-term consequences on their health, development, and overall well-being.
3. In some extreme cases, the laws of necessity may be considered. These laws acknowledge that there are situations in which an individual might be justified in breaking the law to prevent a greater harm. If Mary realistically cannot procure food for her children by other means and has exhausted all other possibilities, she might argue that her act of stealing is justified under these extreme circumstances.

Argument against stealing the food:
1. Stealing is generally considered a morally and legally wrong action. It involves violating another person's property rights and can harm innocent parties.
2. By stealing from a local grocery store, Mary may cause harm to the store owner or employees who depend on the store for their livelihoods. It is important to acknowledge the potential broader consequences on others in society.
3. Alternative solutions should be explored before resorting to stealing. Mary should consider seeking assistance from charitable organizations, government programs, or support networks available in her community.
4. Engaging in theft may expose Mary to legal consequences that could jeopardize not only her own well-being but also the well-being of her children, as she may be separated from them or face other penalties.

In this challenging situation, Mary should consider exploring all available resources and seeking help from local organizations or government agencies that are equipped to assist families in need. This may involve food banks, welfare programs, or social workers who can provide support while preserving her sense of self-worth and integrity. Remember, there are communities and people who are willing to help in times of crisis.