Unscramble the following words

the beholder

beuaty lies in the eyes of the beholder

To unscramble the words, you can rearrange the letters of each word to form a meaningful word or phrase. Here are the unscrambled words:

1. eye: The word "eye" remains the same, as it is already unscrambled.
2. lies: Rearrange the letters to form the word "isle" or "lies."
3. the: The word "the" remains the same.
4. beauty: Rearrange the letters to form the word "beauty."
5. of: The word "of" remains the same.
6. in: The word "in" remains the same.
7. the beholder: Rearrange the letters to form the phrase "beholder," as the word "the" is already unscrambled.

So, the unscrambled words and phrase are:

1. eye
2. lies
3. the
4. beauty
5. of
6. in
7. the beholder