How do rules actually make us free?

Like referring to the ten commandments, how do they allow us to be free instead of feeling as if we are living by rules and regulations

I don't know what you mean. True freedom means a lack of rules and regulations. The Ten commandments restrict your freedoms by telling you the way you are supposed to live. The morality involved is up to your judgement, but their intention is to make you live by certain rules.

Can you imagine a world with no rules? Chaos.


Sure, but chaos is total freedom

In the absence of societal rules, those with greater will and strength make the rules and impose them. A leader always emerges, and your choices soon become limited.

Rules like the ten commandments provide a framework wherein society can function for the good of all. Not perfect, but then no endeavor involving humans ever is.

Rules, such as the Ten Commandments, may seem restrictive at first glance, giving the impression that they limit our freedom. However, rules actually serve a greater purpose of ensuring the well-being and freedom of individuals within a society. Here's how rules can make us free instead of feeling constrained by them:

1. Establishing Order: Rules provide structure and order within a society. They set boundaries and guidelines that prevent chaos and promote harmony among individuals. When everyone follows the same rules, it creates a predictable and stable environment, allowing people to go about their lives without fear or uncertainty.

2. Protecting Individual Rights: Many rules are designed to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals. By establishing laws against theft, violence, or discrimination, for example, rules create a safe environment where people can exercise their rights without interference from others. This protection allows individuals to freely express themselves, pursue their goals, and enjoy their liberties without fear of harm or injustice.

3. Enhancing Trust and Cooperation: Rules provide a framework of trust and cooperation within a society. When people know what is expected of them, they can rely on each other and build strong relationships. This trust enables social interactions and collaborations, facilitating the pursuit of individual and collective goals. By adhering to rules, individuals can enjoy the freedom associated with stable and supportive relationships.

4. Promoting Equality and Fairness: Rules often aim to ensure fairness and equal treatment for all members of society. They establish a common standard that applies to everyone, regardless of their social status, ethnicity, or background. By maintaining equal rights and opportunities through rules, individuals are free from discrimination or unjust treatment, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of a just and inclusive society.

5. Reducing Conflict: Rules provide a framework for resolving conflicts in a fair and orderly manner. By establishing a set of guidelines and consequences, rules help manage disputes and prevent violence or retaliation. This promotes peace and allows individuals to live without the constant threat of conflict, enabling them to focus on other aspects of their lives and pursue their goals freely.

While rules may initially seem restrictive, it is important to recognize that they are in place to protect and enhance our freedom. By fostering order, protecting individual rights, enhancing trust and cooperation, promoting equality, and reducing conflict, rules create an environment where individuals can exercise their liberties with greater confidence and security.