Balancing chemistry equations and need help! Thank You!?

Help balancing any of the following equations:

Cl2+Na Br----> NaCl2 + Br


Cl2 + 2NaBr ==> Br2 + 2NaCl

Balancing chemical equations requires an understanding of the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed during a chemical reaction. To balance an equation, you need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation is the same.

1. Balancing Cl2 + NaBr --> NaCl2 + Br:
Let's start by counting the number of atoms on each side of the equation:
On the left side: 2 Cl and 1 Na
On the right side: 1 Na, 2 Cl, and 1 Br

To balance the equation, we need to equalize the number of atoms on both sides. Since we have two Cl atoms on the left and only one Cl atom on the right, we can multiply NaCl2 by 2 to balance the Cl atoms:
Cl2 + NaBr --> 2NaCl + Br

Now, we have two Cl atoms on both sides. However, we also have two Na atoms on the right side and only one Na atom on the left side. To balance the Na atoms, we can multiply NaBr by 2:
Cl2 + 2NaBr --> 2NaCl + Br

Finally, the equation is balanced with the following coefficients:
Cl2 + 2NaBr --> 2NaCl + Br

2. Balancing Na + LiOH:
Let's count the number of atoms on each side:
On the left side: 1 Na
On the right side: 1 Li, 1 O, and 1 H

Since we have one Na atom on the left and only one O and H atom on the right, we need to multiply Na by 1, LiOH by 2, and H2O (product) by 2 to balance the atoms:
2Na + 2LiOH --> 2Li + 2H2O

Now, the equation is balanced with the following coefficients:
2Na + 2LiOH --> 2Li + 2H2O

Remember, balancing equations requires trial and error, so don't get discouraged if it takes a few tries to find the correct coefficients.