Kesha dove from Buffalo to Syracuse at an average rate of 48miles per hour. On the return trip along the same road she was able to travel at an average rate of 60 miles per hour.The trip from Buffalo to Syracuse took one- half hour longer than the return trip. How long did the return trip take?

Rate= 48 Time=1.5
return trip Rate= 60 time=1.5h
Now what to do ?
Distance= rate x speed

Distance = rate x time

Steve and I both answered your question

To find the time it took for the return trip, we can use the formula: Time = Distance / Rate.

First, we need to calculate the distance between Buffalo and Syracuse. We know that the rate is 48 miles per hour, and the time it took for the trip from Buffalo to Syracuse is 1.5 hours.

So, Distance = Rate x Time = 48 miles/hour x 1.5 hours = 72 miles.

Now, let's calculate the time for the return trip. We know the rate is 60 miles per hour, and we need to find the time it took for the return trip.

Time (return trip) = Distance / Rate = 72 miles / 60 miles/hour.

Dividing 72 miles by 60 miles/hour, we get 1.2 hours.

Therefore, the return trip took 1.2 hours.