The leg and cast weigh 200 N, with the center of mass as indicated by the blue arrow in the diagram. The counterbalance w1 weighs 105 N. Determine the weight w2 and the angle α needed so that no force is exerted on the hip joint by the leg plus cast.

Without the diagram mentioned, I cannot make sense of this question.

To determine the weight w2 and the angle α needed so that no force is exerted on the hip joint by the leg plus cast, we need to consider the concept of torque.

Torque is the product of a force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to a reference point. In this case, the reference point is the hip joint, and we want to find the weight w2 and the angle α that will create a torque of zero at the hip joint.

Here's how we can approach this problem:

1. Calculate the torque created by the leg and cast:
Torque due to the leg and cast (T_leg): T_leg = Weight_leg_cast x Distance_leg_cast_hip

2. Calculate the torque created by the counterbalance w1:
Torque due to w1 (T_w1): T_w1 = w1 x Distance_w1_hip

3. Since we want the total torque to be zero, the sum of T_leg and T_w1 should be zero:
T_leg + T_w1 = 0

4. Solve for the unknown weight w2:
T_w1 = -T_leg
w2 x Distance_w2_hip = - Weight_leg_cast x Distance_leg_cast_hip
w2 = (- Weight_leg_cast x Distance_leg_cast_hip) / Distance_w2_hip

5. Determine the angle α:
The angle α can be found using the trigonometric relationship:
cos(α) = (Distance_w2_hip) / (Distance_leg_cast_hip)

By plugging in the given values and performing the calculations, you can find the weight w2 and the angle α needed to achieve no force on the hip joint.