how many inches are in cenimeters 25 ceinmeters = ? inchs

just skip my question i found the answer but this website helps alot but for once i found the answer b4 you guys thanks so much

1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches

25 cm = 25 * 0.3937 = ______ inches

To convert centimeters to inches, you can use the conversion factor: 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.

Given that you have 25 centimeters, you can convert it to inches using the conversion factor:

25 centimeters * (1 inch / 2.54 centimeters)

This will give you the equivalent value in inches. Let's calculate:

25 centimeters * (1 inch / 2.54 centimeters) = 9.8425 inches

Therefore, 25 centimeters is equal to approximately 9.8425 inches.