What is the threshold energy of Chromium? I know the answer but i need to show work and through all the equations to get done i get lost. So can someone help me.

Sure, I can help you with that. To determine the threshold energy of chromium, we need to use the equation for the threshold frequency:

E = h * f

E is the energy,
h is Planck's constant (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J·s),
f is the frequency.

The threshold energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. It corresponds to the energy difference between the ground state and the ionization energy of the atom.

Now, in order to find the threshold energy of chromium, we need to know the threshold frequency. However, this information is not provided in your question.

If you have the threshold frequency, you can simply substitute it into the equation to find the threshold energy.

If you have the threshold wavelength instead, you can use the equation:

c = λ * f

c is the speed of light (approximately 3.00 × 10^8 m/s),
λ is the wavelength,
f is the frequency.

You can solve for f and then substitute it into the equation E = h * f to find the threshold energy.

If you have any additional information or specific equations you would like me to explain further, please let me know!