Simplify assume Y=not to 0


would the answer be 1/81y^12

Nope, missed it again.

3^4 * y^(-3)^4 = 81 * y^-12 = 81/y^12

The negative power applies only to y, not the 3 as well.

On the other hand, ((3y)^-3)^4 is 1/(81y^12)

To simplify the expression (3y^-3)^4, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the exponent 4 to each term inside the parentheses.
(3^4) * (y^-3 * 4)

Step 2: Simplify the base raised to the power of 4.
81 * (y^-12)

Step 3: Simplify the exponent.
81 * (1/y^12)

Therefore, the simplified expression is 81/y^12.