What is the IUPAC name for---

phenyl(group)-c=o-o-ch2-ch2-ch3 ????

I put phenyl propanoate as my answer, but that was incorrect.

Try propyl benzoate.


To find the IUPAC name for the compound phenyl-C=O-O-CH2-CH2-CH3, we need to follow certain rules set by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Here's how we approach it:

1. Identify the parent chain: Start by finding the longest continuous carbon chain that includes the functional group. In this case, we have a carbonyl (C=O) group. The parent chain will contain this group and all other carbon atoms attached to it. In our case, the parent chain is 5 carbons long, which means it is a pentyl group.

2. Identify substituents: Next, identify any groups attached to the parent chain. In this compound, we have a phenyl group attached to the carbonyl carbon. The phenyl group is considered a substituent since it is not part of the parent chain.

3. Number the parent chain: Number the parent chain in such a way that the carbonyl carbon (C=O) receives the lowest possible number. In this case, it is already positioned at carbon 1.

4. Write the substituents: Identify the substituents and their corresponding positions on the parent chain. In our case, we have a phenyl group attached to the carbonyl carbon.

5. Write the functional group: Indicate the functional group and its position on the parent chain. In our case, the functional group is an ester group (-C=O-O-) located at carbon 1.

Putting all of this together, the IUPAC name for phenyl-C=O-O-CH2-CH2-CH3 is phenyl pentanoate. So, your initial answer of phenyl propanoate was incorrect because the parent chain is a pentyl group and not a propanoate.

Remember, practicing more and familiarizing yourself with the IUPAC naming rules will help you master this skill.