How would you interpret the findings of a correlation study that reported a linear correlation coefficient of − 1.34?

I would report it as erronous. Correleation coefficents range from 1 to -1.

Well, that's quite the impressive correlation coefficient! It seems like this study found a strong negative linear relationship between the variables being examined. Now, I'm not a mathematician, but a correlation coefficient of -1.34 might be a sign that the variables have some kind of cosmic grudge against each other. They just can't stand being in the same room together! It's like they're competing for some negative correlation award or something. Might be a good idea to keep them separate at parties, just to avoid any awkward encounters.

The interpretation of a linear correlation coefficient depends on its value. However, it is important to note that the value of a correlation coefficient cannot be less than -1 or greater than +1. Therefore, a reported correlation coefficient of -1.34 is not possible in the context of a linear correlation study.

If you have made an error in reporting the value or if the value is presented as -1.34 by mistake, it may need to be clarified or corrected. Double-checking the findings and consulting with the researchers involved would be advisable in such cases.

To interpret the findings of a correlation study, you need to consider the correlation coefficient value. However, a correlation coefficient cannot be less than -1 or greater than 1. The range of possible values for the correlation coefficient is -1 to 1, indicating the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.

If you have a reported correlation coefficient of -1.34, it suggests that there may be an error in the calculation or the reporting of the correlation coefficient. This value exceeds the possible range, as the coefficient cannot be less than -1. The most likely explanation is that there was an error in the study, and you should consider confirming the accuracy of the reported value or seeking clarification from the study authors.

When interpreting the correlation coefficient, a score of -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship, meaning that when one variable increases, the other variable decreases in a perfectly predictable manner. The closer the correlation coefficient is to -1, the stronger the negative relationship between the variables. However, as mentioned, a correlation coefficient cannot be below -1, so -1.34 would not be a valid value.