The density of any material can be determined by the slope of a straight line by plotting mass values and vol. values M=DV

Mass g.
#1 0.55 0.60
#2 1.75 1.80
#3 3.50 3.40
#4 5.60 5.25
#5 7.50 7.00

I need to find the slope and graph the info.
So do I make the graph with Y (Vert.) axis being Mass and Vol=x axis and plot points???

Then to Find the slope I am stuck

The only answer choices for slope are
1.094, 0.914 and 1.024 but I can't even get one of those choices.
Please Help Thank you!

I think you want to plot values for mass on the y axis and values for volume on the x axis. That way the slope is y/x (mass/volume) which is density.

Draw the best straight line you can through or near the points, then choose a convenient delta Y/delta X and calculate slope.

To graph the information, you should indeed plot the mass values on the y-axis and the volume values on the x-axis. Each point on the graph represents a pair of mass and volume values from your given data.

To find the slope of the straight line on the graph, you can use the formula for slope:

slope = Δy / Δx

where Δy represents the change in the y-values (mass) and Δx represents the change in the x-values (volume). Let's calculate the slope using the first and second data points as an example:

Δy = 1.75 - 0.55 = 1.20
Δx = 1.80 - 0.60 = 1.20

slope = Δy / Δx = 1.20 / 1.20 = 1

So, the slope for the first two data points is 1.

Now, let's calculate the slope for the other data points:

For data points 2 and 3:
Δy = 3.50 - 1.75 = 1.75
Δx = 3.40 - 1.80 = 1.60

slope = Δy / Δx = 1.75 / 1.60 = 1.09375 ≈ 1.094

For data points 3 and 4:
Δy = 5.60 - 3.50 = 2.10
Δx = 5.25 - 3.40 = 1.85

slope = Δy / Δx = 2.10 / 1.85 = 1.13514 ≈ 1.135

For data points 4 and 5:
Δy = 7.50 - 5.60 = 1.90
Δx = 7.00 - 5.25 = 1.75

slope = Δy / Δx = 1.90 / 1.75 = 1.08571 ≈ 1.086

As you can see, none of the calculated slopes match the given answer choices. Therefore, it is possible that there is an error in the options provided or in the calculations. Double-checking your calculations and the answer choices should help you find the correct slope.