Would 48x 2/96 be considered a Mltiplicative inverse???

no, 48 would be the multiplicative inverse of 2/96, since 2/96 = 1/48

48x2/96 is a sequence of operations that produces 1, indicating that involves multiplicative inverses.

Right idea, just imprecise language.

To determine whether 48x 2/96 is considered a multiplicative inverse, we need to understand what a multiplicative inverse is.

A multiplicative inverse, also known as a reciprocal, is a number that, when multiplied by another number, gives a product of 1. For example, the multiplicative inverse of 3 is 1/3 because 3 multiplied by 1/3 equals 1.

To find the multiplicative inverse of a number, we need to divide 1 by that number. So, let's find the multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96:

Multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96 = 1 / (48x 2/96)

To evaluate this, we can simplify the fraction by multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator (flipping the fraction):

Multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96 = 1 / (48x/96 * 1/2)

Now, let's simplify further:

Multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96 = 1 / (48x * 1 / 96 * 2)

Since we're multiplying fractions, we can multiply the numerators and denominators:

Multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96 = 1 / (48x * 1 * 2 / 96)

Multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96 = 1 / (96x / 96)

Simplifying the expression:

Multiplicative inverse of 48x 2/96 = 1 / (x)

So, 48x 2/96 is not a multiplicative inverse. It simplifies to 1/x, which means it's just the reciprocal of x.