if segment bd bisects angle abc. the measure of angle abc=7x. the measure of angle abd=3x+25 find the measure of angle dbc

To find the measure of angle DBC, we need to first understand the concept of angle bisector. An angle bisector is a line or ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles. In this case, segment BD bisects angle ABC, which means that angle ABD and angle DBC are congruent.

Given that the measure of angle ABC is 7x and the measure of angle ABD is 3x + 25, we can set up an equation to find the value of x.

Since BD bisects angle ABC, angle ABD and angle DBC are congruent. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

3x + 25 = 7x

To solve this equation, we need to isolate x. Let's do that:

3x - 7x = -25

-4x = -25

Divide both sides of the equation by -4:

x = (-25) / (-4)

x = 6.25

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the measure of angle DBC:

Measure of angle DBC = 3x + 25

Measure of angle DBC = 3(6.25) + 25

Measure of angle DBC = 18.75 + 25

Measure of angle DBC = 43.75

Therefore, the measure of angle DBC is 43.75 degrees.

To find the measure of angle DBC, we can use the fact that segment BD bisects angle ABC. This means that angle ABD and angle DBC are congruent.

Since angle ABD is given as 3x + 25, we can set it equal to the measure of angle DBC:

3x + 25 = DBC

To find the value of x, we can use the fact that segment BD bisects angle ABC. This means that angle ABD and angle DBC add up to angle ABC, which is given as 7x:


Substituting the measures of angle ABD and angle DBC:

3x + 25 + (3x + 25) = 7x

Combine like terms:

6x + 50 = 7x

Subtract 6x from both sides:

50 = x

Now we can substitute the value of x back into the equation for DBC:

DBC = 3(50) + 25

DBC = 150 + 25

DBC = 175

Therefore, the measure of angle DBC is 175 degrees.


(3x+25) + (3x+25) = 7x,
6x + 50 = 7x,
7x -6x = 50,
X = 50.

DBC = ABD = 3x + 25 = 3+50 + 25 = 175.