33 1/3% of what number is 26.5?

33.3x = 26.5

x = 26.5 / 33.3
x = 0.79579 = about 80

Doing the problem on the calculator, using 33.3333, I get 79.5

To find 33 1/3% of a number, you need to multiply the number by 33 1/3% (or 0.3333). Let's represent the number we're looking for as "x".

So, the equation becomes: 0.3333 * x = 26.5

To find the value of x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.3333:

x = 26.5 / 0.3333

Calculating this, we find that x is approximately 79.507946. Therefore, 33 1/3% of 79.507946 is equal to 26.5.