. Which of the following is not an early school of psychology? (Points : 1)



How early is early? All are involved in the early schools of psychology, but behaviorism is the most recent of those mentioned. Even more recent was humanism.




To determine which of the following is not an early school of psychology, let's briefly explain each option:

1. Behaviorism: Behaviorism was a school of psychology that focused on studying observable behavior and its relationship to environmental stimuli. It emerged in the early 20th century and was heavily influenced by pioneers like Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and B.F. Skinner.

2. Voluntarism: Voluntarism, also known as Volitionalism, was proposed by Wilhelm Wundt, who is often regarded as the father of experimental psychology. Voluntarism focused on exploring consciousness by studying the relationship between mental processes and voluntary actions.

3. Nativism: Nativism, sometimes referred to as nativist or nativistic theory, suggests that certain characteristics and abilities are innate or inborn. It argues that humans possess innate knowledge and abilities that are not acquired through experience or learning.

4. Functionalism: Functionalism emerged as a school of psychology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It focused on studying how mental processes function and adapt to the demands of the environment. Functionalism was heavily influenced by thinkers such as William James and emphasized the practical application of psychological principles.

Now, to determine which of the following options is NOT an early school of psychology, we can eliminate the ones that were part of the early schools:

- Behaviorism, voluntarism, and functionalism were all prominent early schools of psychology.

- Therefore, the answer is nativism. Nativism was not an early school of psychology. It is important to note that nativism is a theoretical concept that can be found within various schools of psychology, but it does not represent a distinct early school.

So, the correct answer is: nativism.