Anthony plans to travel 175 km. on his bike,samantha wants to ride 250 km. they both plan to complete their journeys in a whole number of days.(a)how many km could each travel if they both ride the same amount of km each day

(b)How many days will each have to ride for each common factor you found in part (a)

a.30 km


To find the answer, we need to determine the common factors of 175 and 250. Let's break it down step by step:

(a) Finding the common factors:
1. Find the factors of 175: The factors of 175 are 1, 5, 7, 25, and 35.
2. Find the factors of 250: The factors of 250 are 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 125, and 250.
3. Identify the common factors: The common factors of 175 and 250 are 1 and 5.

(b) Calculating the number of days for each common factor:
To answer this question, we need to divide the total distance by each common factor and see how many days it takes for each person.

For the common factor 1:
- Anthony: Anthony can travel 175 km in one day.
- Samantha: Samantha can travel 250 km in one day.

For the common factor 5:
- Anthony: Anthony can travel 35 km in one day (175 ÷ 5 = 35).
- Samantha: Samantha can travel 50 km in one day (250 ÷ 5 = 50).

So, for the common factors 1 and 5:
(a) Anthony can travel either 175 km or 35 km per day.
(b) Samantha can travel either 250 km or 50 km per day.