Bobpursley; you helped me with my question and I am a little stuck how would I find distance if I don't know time and vice versa?

If you don't know either the distance or the time in a problem, it can be a bit challenging to find one without any additional information. However, if you have some extra information or context, you may be able to determine either the distance or the time.

If you have the average speed (or velocity) of an object, you can use that to find the time or distance. The formula for calculating distance when you know the speed and time is:

Distance = Speed × Time

If you have the speed and want to find the time, the formula to use is:

Time = Distance / Speed

Conversely, if you have the distance and want to find the time, the formula is:

Time = Distance / Speed

Please note that in the last two formulas, the time is the unknown value you are trying to find.

If you have any other information or context specific to your problem, feel free to provide it, and I can assist you further.