A tractor T is pulling two trailers, M1 and M2, with a constant acceleration. T has a mass of 200 kg, M1 has a mass of 100 kg, and M2 has a mass of 150 kg. If the forward acceleration is 0.60 m/s2, then the horizontal force on the tractor due to the attachment to M1 is ?


To find the horizontal force on the tractor due to the attachment to M1, we need to calculate the net force acting on the system.

The net force acting on the system can be determined using Newton's second law of motion, which states that the net force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration (F = m * a).

First, let's calculate the total mass of the system by adding the masses of the tractor T, M1, and M2:

Total mass (m) = mass of T + mass of M1 + mass of M2
m = 200 kg + 100 kg + 150 kg
m = 450 kg

Next, let's substitute the values into the equation to find the net force:

Net force (F) = mass (m) * acceleration (a)
F = 450 kg * 0.60 m/s^2
F = 270 N

The net force acting on the system is 270 Newtons.

Since the question asks for the horizontal force on the tractor due to the attachment to M1, we need to consider the horizontal force exerted by M1 on the tractor. This force will be equal and opposite to the net force acting on the system.

Therefore, the horizontal force on the tractor due to the attachment to M1 is 270 Newtons, directed in the opposite direction to the acceleration of the system.