5. Give the standard deviation for the mean and median column. Compare these and be sure to identify which has the least variability?

Standard deviation of Mean = 0.476169
Standard deviation of Median = 0.753937

The smaller SD has less variability.

To calculate the standard deviation for the mean and median column, follow these steps:

1. Obtain the mean of the column by summing all the values and dividing the result by the number of values in the column.
2. For each value in the column, subtract the mean and square the result.
3. Repeat step 2 for all values in the column.
4. Calculate the mean of all the squared differences obtained in step 3.
5. Take the square root of the mean calculated in step 4.

Using the given values, we have:

Standard deviation of Mean = 0.476169
Standard deviation of Median = 0.753937

Comparing these values, we can see that the standard deviation of the mean column (0.476169) is less than the standard deviation of the median column (0.753937). This means that the mean column has less variability than the median column. In other words, the values in the mean column are more closely clustered around the mean compared to the values in the median column.