What is Jeffersinans position on funding debts, and justification?

His position is that each state should be responsible for its own debt.

But I don't know why, or if that is right.

Well, the states borrowed the money.

HOWEVER I assume that we are talking about Revolutionary War debts. That money went for a purpose, to found a new country. If that country was to succeed, it must take responsibility for the debts incurred in fighting its war. Therefore I would be inclined to say that the entire new nation was responsible for the debts. (Count me in Alexander Hamilton's camp)

Okay, that is your view. but what was jeffersions and why?

Read about the debate between Hamilton and Jefferson here.


Thomas Jefferson's position on funding debts can be traced back to his belief in limited government and states' rights. He argued that the federal government should not be responsible for assuming the debts incurred by individual states. Instead, he believed that each state should be responsible for managing and repaying its own debt.

Jefferson's justification for this position can be found in his interpretation of the Constitution. He was a strict constructionist, meaning he believed in interpreting the Constitution based on its original intent. According to his interpretation, the federal government only had the powers explicitly granted to it in the Constitution, and assuming state debts was not one of them.

Furthermore, Jefferson saw assuming state debts as a potential infringement on states' rights. He believed that allowing the federal government to take over state debts would give it excessive control over the states and enable the concentration of power in the hands of the federal government.

To further explore Jefferson's stance on funding debts, you can refer to his writings, particularly his letters and public statements during his time as Secretary of State and President. These sources will provide insights into his reasoning and the historical context surrounding this issue.