what is the diameter orbit and planet mass of hydra the moon of pluto.

To find the diameter, orbit, and planet mass of Hydra, the moon of Pluto, you can consult scientific sources or databases that provide information about astronomical objects. One such source is the NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) website or the International Astronomical Union (IAU) database. Let me explain how you can use these resources to find the information you need:

1. Visit the NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) website or the International Astronomical Union (IAU) database.
2. Look for the section related to Pluto, specifically its moons.
3. Find the entry for Hydra and click on it to access the moon's profile.
4. Look for the diameter information, which will typically be listed in kilometers or miles. The diameter of Hydra is approximately 45 kilometers (28 miles).
5. Next, locate the details about Hydra's orbit. This will usually include information such as the average distance from Pluto, orbital period (how long it takes to complete one orbit), and any special characteristics.
6. Finally, to find the mass of Hydra, also referred to as the moon's planet mass, closely examine the moon's profile or any accompanying data tables. The mass is typically expressed in kilograms or metric tons.

By following these steps and using authoritative sources, you can find the diameter, orbit, and planet mass of Hydra, the moon of Pluto.