Which of the following items should be martis top priority in budgeting her disposable income?

A. Covering the rent for her apartment
B. Interior decorations and furniture
C. A new set of dishes for her kitchen
D. Her long-desired trip to the bahamas
I got A.

Absolutely right! :-)

Yayy thank you :)

Budgeting should begin with:

Budgeting should begin with:

A. looking for a suitable place to live.

B. opening a checking account.

C. listing the various budget categories or items.

D. setting some practical goals.

I believe its D...?

Good job! Option A, covering the rent for her apartment, should indeed be Martis's top priority in budgeting her disposable income.

To arrive at this answer, you should consider the basic needs and necessities that need to be fulfilled before allocating funds to other discretionary expenses. Rent is a vital expense, as it ensures her shelter and a place to live. It is essential to prioritize paying rent first to ensure that she has a roof over her head.

Option B, interior decorations and furniture, and option C, a new set of dishes for her kitchen, are desirable but non-essential expenses. These items can be addressed after covering basic needs like rent, utilities, and groceries.

Option D, her long-desired trip to the Bahamas, falls under discretionary expenses. While it might be something she desires, it is not an immediate priority compared to paying for essential expenses such as rent.

Remember, it is crucial to prioritize necessities in budgeting to ensure financial stability and security.