What did islamists spread throughout the Old World starting in the eighth century?

A. New crops
B. metals used to make new weapons
C. Democracy
D. Disease

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What did Islamists spread throughout the Old World starting in the eighth century?

A. New crops
B. Disease
C. Metals used to make new weapons
D. Democracy

new crops

The correct answer is D. Disease.

Islamists spread diseases throughout the Old World starting in the eighth century. To get this answer, we need to have a basic understanding of the historical context and the spread of Islam during that time.

To start, we should know that Islam emerged in the seventh century and quickly spread across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. By the eighth century, Islamic empires and caliphates had expanded their territories, encompassing vast regions of the Old World, including parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia.

During their conquests, Islamic armies established trade routes and facilitated the movement of people, goods, and ideas across the regions they controlled. As a result, diseases were inevitably transmitted along these trade routes and through the movement of people.

One significant disease spread during this time was the Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death. This deadly epidemic ravaged different parts of the Old World, causing widespread death, societal disruption, and economic decline. It is believed that the movement of Islamic armies and trade networks played a role in the diffusion of this disease.

In summary, the Islamists (Islamic armies and trading networks) spread diseases such as the Bubonic Plague throughout the Old World starting in the eighth century.