These lawyers, and men of learning, and moneyed men, that talk so finely, and gloss over matters so smoothly, to make us poor illiterate people swallow down the pill, expect to get into Congress themselves...and then they will swallow up all us little folks, like the great Leviathan.

what is this reading trying to say? please help, i have no idea what this means

Politicians don't give a darn about the common people.

The reading you provided seems to express a sense of distrust and frustration towards lawyers, learned individuals, and wealthy people. It suggests that these individuals use their persuasive skills (talking finely and glossing over matters smoothly) to deceive and manipulate those who are less educated and financially privileged. The passage implies a fear that these influential individuals are seeking to obtain positions of power, such as in Congress, in order to further their own interests. The metaphor of the "great Leviathan" conveys the idea of being overwhelmed or consumed by these powerful figures. Overall, the reading seems to express concerns about the potential exploitation of ordinary people by those in positions of authority.