The state of Texas has anarea of approximately 266,806 squaremiles. Its area is approximately 220times the area of the state of RhodeIsland. What is the area of Rhode


How would you put this into a algebra expession as well?

x= 266806/220=1,212.75sq. miles

To find the area of Rhode Island, we need to set up an algebraic equation using the given information.

Let's assume the area of Rhode Island is represented by the variable "A."

We know that the area of Texas is approximately 220 times the area of Rhode Island. So, we can now set up the equation:

220A = 266,806 square miles

To solve for A, we divide both sides of the equation by 220:

A = 266,806 square miles / 220

Simplifying the right side:

A = 1212.755 square miles

Therefore, the area of Rhode Island is approximately 1212.755 square miles.

To find the area of Rhode Island, we need to set up an algebraic expression using the information given.

Let's denote the area of Rhode Island as 'x' (in square miles). According to the given information, the area of Texas is approximately 220 times the area of Rhode Island. So, we can express the relationship as:

Area of Texas = 220 * Area of Rhode Island

Since the area of Texas is known to be approximately 266,806 square miles, we can substitute this value into the equation:

266,806 = 220 * x

This equation represents the relationship between the area of Texas and Rhode Island. To find the area of Rhode Island (x), we can solve this equation for x.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 220, we have:

x = 266,806 / 220

Evaluating the expression on the right side:

x ≈ 1,212

Therefore, the area of Rhode Island is approximately 1,212 square miles.

Thank you so much!