Dominic arrived at work and went behind the counter at the north end. As he faced out over the counter, north was to his right, south to his left. While he was standing at the north end, a customer ordered a sandwich. Dominic went through these steps:

3 feet to his left to pick up the bread
2 feet to his right to put bread on the plate
4 feet to his left to get mayo and pickles
2 feet to his left to pick up knife and spoon
Returned to where the bread was on the plate
Turned around and got the salami out of the refrigerator
Put the sandwich together
3 feet to the left to serve the customer
4 feet to the left to get a soda
Back to the customer to give him the soda
To the south end of the counter to pick up the customer’s money

Draw a diagram of the counter and its arrangement. Make suggestions for a more efficient arrangement.

Here is a diagram of the counter and its arrangement based on the given information:

North End (Facing Out)
| (Sandwich) |
| Bread |
| |
| Mayo/Pickles|
Counter| |
| Knife/Spoon |
| |
| Salami |
| (Sandwich Being Made) |
| |
| Soda |
| |
| (Customer's Money) |
South End


To suggest a more efficient arrangement, we can consider the workflow and minimize unnecessary movements for Dominic.

One possible arrangement could be:

North End (Facing Out)
| Bread | Sandwich Being Made | (Sandwich) |
| |
|------------------ Counter --------------------------------|
| Knife/Spoon | Mayo/Pickles |
| |
| Salami |
|-------------------- Just Added |
| Soda |
| |
| |
| (Customer's Money)
South End


In this arrangement, the key changes are:
1. Moving the bread and mayo/pickles closer to the sandwich making area, eliminating the need to go back and forth.
2. Placing the knife and spoon closer to the sandwich making area for easy access.
3. Placing the soda closer to the serving area, reducing the distance for retrieving it.
4. Positioning the customer's money at the south end of the counter for easy access after serving the sandwich and the soda.

These changes help reduce unnecessary movements and optimize the workflow, making the arrangement more efficient.