What shell contains a total of 16 orbitals?

A. n = 1
B. n = 2
C. n = 3
D. n = 4
E. n = 5


I had this question:

3) A certain shell is known to have a total of 16 orbitals. Which shell is it?

a) n = 4
b) n = 16
c) n = 8
d) n = 2
and the answer was a) n = 4.

To determine which shell contains a total of 16 orbitals, we need to know the formula for calculating the number of orbitals in a shell.

The formula is given by:

Number of orbitals = 2n^2

where n is the principal quantum number.

Let's plug in the values to find the answer:

For option A, n = 1:
Number of orbitals = 2(1)^2 = 2

For option B, n = 2:
Number of orbitals = 2(2)^2 = 8

For option C, n = 3:
Number of orbitals = 2(3)^2 = 18

For option D, n = 4:
Number of orbitals = 2(4)^2 = 32

For option E, n = 5:
Number of orbitals = 2(5)^2 = 50

From the above calculations, we can see that option D (n = 4) has a total of 16 orbitals, so the correct answer is:

D. n = 4

To determine which shell contains a total of 16 orbitals, we need to consider the formula for calculating the maximum number of orbitals in a shell.

The maximum number of orbitals in a shell is given by the formula 2n², where n represents the principal quantum number of the shell.

Let's calculate the number of orbitals for each option:

A. n = 1
2(1)² = 2 orbitals

B. n = 2
2(2)² = 8 orbitals

C. n = 3
2(3)² = 18 orbitals

D. n = 4
2(4)² = 32 orbitals

E. n = 5
2(5)² = 50 orbitals

From the calculations, we can see that option D, n = 4, contains a total of 16 orbitals. Therefore, the correct answer is D. n = 4.