John's gross income is $1,000 per month. Based on an assumption that 25% of his gross income will be withheld, he can expect his disposable (spendable)income to be ________per month.

i got B what do you think?


My, this is an old question. $1,000 a month is way below the poverty level.

okay thank you =^.^=

I don't think that answer is correct Ms. Sue are you even a tutor or what you just seem to give me some correct and incorrect answers a lot....

i am tutor

To calculate John's disposable income, we need to subtract the amount that will be withheld (25% of his gross income) from his gross income.

Step 1: Calculate the amount withheld
25% of John's gross income of $1,000 can be calculated by multiplying $1,000 by 0.25:
$1,000 * 0.25 = $250

Step 2: Subtract the amount withheld from the gross income
John's disposable income is the remaining amount after the withholding:
$1,000 - $250 = $750

Based on this calculation, you are correct. John's disposable income is $750 per month. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.