Piece of iron weighs 20 pounds and measures 1 ft. by 1 ft. by 4in. What is its density in grams/cc?

20lbs/1 x 12inx12inx4in/1 x .454kg/1lb x 1g/1000kg x 1in^3/2.54cc=
20/1 x 576/1 x .454/1 x 1g/1000 x 1/2.54cc=
The right answer is supposed to be.96g/cc
Why is my answer incorrect?

Your answer is incorrect because there is a mistake in your calculation. Let's go through the calculation step by step to identify the error.

First, let's convert the weight from pounds to kilograms:
20 lbs × 0.454 kg/1 lb = 9.08 kg

Next, let's calculate the volume in cubic centimeters:
1 ft × 12 in/1 ft = 12 in
1 ft × 12 in/1 ft = 12 in
4 in

Volume = 12 in × 12 in × 4 in = 576 in³

Now, let's convert the volume from cubic inches to cubic centimeters:
576 in³ × 2.54 cm³/1 in³ = 1468.544 cm³

Finally, let's calculate the density in grams per cubic centimeter:
Density = weight/volume
Density = 9.08 kg × 1000 g/1 kg / 1468.544 cm³
Density ≈ 6.19 g/cm³

So, the correct answer for the density of the iron piece is approximately 6.19 g/cm³.