Jen makes $5.00 per hour more than Tiffany. If 2 times Jen’s rate plus 3 times Tiffany’s rate is

$80.00, what is Jen’s hourly wage?

Let x = Jen's rate, then Tiffany's = x-5

2x + 3(x-5) = 80

Solve for x.

Let's represent Tiffany’s hourly wage as "x".

According to the given information, Jen makes $5.00 more per hour than Tiffany, so we can represent Jen’s hourly wage as "x + $5.00".

The problem states that 2 times Jen’s rate plus 3 times Tiffany’s rate is $80.00.

So, we can set up an equation:
2(x + $5.00) + 3(x) = $80.00

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of "x" and therefore determine Jen's hourly wage.

Distributing the 2 and 3 into the parentheses, we get:
2x + $10.00 + 3x = $80.00

Combining like terms, we have:
5x + $10.00 = $80.00

To isolate the variable "x", we subtract $10.00 from both sides of the equation:
5x + $10.00 - $10.00 = $80.00 - $10.00
5x = $70.00

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:
(5x)/5 = $70.00/5
x = $14.00

Therefore, Tiffany’s hourly wage is $14.00.

To find Jen’s hourly wage, we substitute the value of "x" back into the equation:
Jen's hourly wage = x + $5.00
Jen's hourly wage = $14.00 + $5.00
Jen's hourly wage = $19.00

Hence, Jen’s hourly wage is $19.00.

To find Jen's hourly wage, we need to define two variables:

Let J be the hourly wage of Jen.
Let T be the hourly wage of Tiffany.

According to the problem, Jen makes $5.00 per hour more than Tiffany:
J = T + $5.00 .............(1)

The problem also states that 2 times Jen's rate plus 3 times Tiffany's rate is $80.00:
2J + 3T = $80.00 .............(2)

We have now formed a system of two equations (equations 1 and 2) with two unknowns (J and T). We can solve these equations simultaneously.

Substituting the value of J from equation (1) into equation (2), we get:
2(T + $5.00) + 3T = $80.00

Simplifying the equation:
2T + $10.00 + 3T = $80.00
5T + $10.00 = $80.00

Now, subtracting $10.00 from both sides of the equation, we get:
5T = $70.00

Dividing both sides of the equation by 5, we get:
T = $14.00

Thus, Tiffany's hourly wage is $14.00.

Now, substituting the value of T into equation (1), we can find Jen's hourly wage:
J = $14.00 + $5.00
J = $19.00

Therefore, Jen's hourly wage is $19.00.