Which of the following would be classified as a messianic movement?

Jim Jones's Temple of God

the American labormovement

the Ku Klux Klan

the women's movement

please help. thanks

Study this definition.


What do you think?

than its Jim Jones's Temple of God?

I agree.

To determine which of the following would be classified as a messianic movement, we need to understand the characteristics of a messianic movement. Messianic movements typically involve believing in and following a messiah figure who is expected to bring about a significant change or salvation for a particular group of people.

Let's analyze each option to determine if it fits the criteria:

1. Jim Jones's Temple of God: The Jonestown cult led by Jim Jones does exhibit characteristics of a messianic movement. Jones presented himself as a messiah-like figure, promising salvation and leading his followers to a utopian society. Therefore, the Temple of God can be considered a messianic movement.

2. The American labor movement: The American labor movement, which advocates for the rights and welfare of workers, is not typically considered a messianic movement. While it seeks social and economic changes, it does not revolve around a messiah figure.

3. The Ku Klux Klan: The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a hate group that promotes white supremacy and discrimination. While the KKK does have a set of beliefs and agendas, it does not have the central characteristic of a messianic movement, as it does not follow a specific messiah figure.

4. The women's movement: The women's movement, which advocates for gender equality and women's rights, is also not classified as a messianic movement. It is a social and political movement aimed at achieving specific rights and equality, but it does not involve the veneration of a messiah.

Based on the analysis, the only option classified as a messianic movement would be Jim Jones's Temple of God.