Construct a deductive argument that is valid but not sound. Then, construct a valid deductive argument that is sound. Be sure to put the argument in premise-conclusion form.

Sure! Here are examples of a valid but unsound deductive argument and a valid and sound deductive argument:

1. Valid but Unsound Deductive Argument:
Premise 1: All dogs have fur.
Premise 2: Fluffy is a dog.
Conclusion: Therefore, Fluffy has fur.

Explanation: This argument is valid because the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. However, it is unsound because Premise 1 is not accurate as not all dogs have fur (e.g., some dog breeds are hairless). So, although the logic is valid, the argument is not sound due to the false premise.

2. Valid and Sound Deductive Argument:
Premise 1: All planets in our solar system orbit the Sun.
Premise 2: Earth is a planet in our solar system.
Conclusion: Therefore, Earth orbits the Sun.

Explanation: This argument is both valid and sound. It is valid because the conclusion follows logically from the premises, and it is sound because both premises are true. The first premise is a general truth about our solar system, and the second premise correctly identifies Earth as a planet in that system. Therefore, the conclusion is true based on the given premises, making the argument sound.