Hello, I need help with this question, What factors in today's culture hinder wives from pursuing the C-H-A-I-R-S approach to a relationship as in the book Love and Respect by Eggrich's. I was thinking employment and wives being powerful, thanks

I agree. In addition, women know they are equal to men.


Hello! It's great that you're studying about relationships and the factors that might affect them in today's culture. In order to understand the potential hindrances wives face in pursuing the C-H-A-I-R-S approach to a relationship, let's break down each factor you mentioned: employment and wives being powerful.

1. Employment: One factor that could hinder wives from fully embracing the C-H-A-I-R-S approach is the increasing number of women in the workforce. When both spouses work outside the home, it can create challenges in balancing responsibilities and finding time for each other. The demands of a career, such as long work hours or travel, may limit the time and energy available for investing in the relationship. Additionally, societal pressures or expectations around women's success in the workplace can sometimes cause women to prioritize their careers over their marital relationships.

To research this topic further, you can consult various sources like scholarly articles, books, or research papers that discuss the impact of women's employment on relationships. You could also explore statistics and surveys on work-life balance, gender roles, and the division of household chores to get a more comprehensive view.

2. Wives being powerful: Another factor you mentioned is wives being powerful. It is important to note that power dynamics within a relationship can greatly influence how couples interact and relate to each other. In traditional patriarchal societies, power dynamics were often imbalanced, with men holding more authority and decision-making power. However, in modern times, there has been a shift towards more gender equality and shared power in relationships.

While empowerment and equality between partners are generally positive developments, they can sometimes create challenges within the C-H-A-I-R-S approach. While the approach emphasizes a husband's provision and protection, it may be seen as conflicting with the idea of women being powerful or independent. Some wives may find it difficult to fully embrace their role within the C-H-A-I-R-S framework if they feel it doesn't align with their personal values or aspirations.

To gain a deeper understanding of this topic, you can explore feminist literature, gender studies, or sociological perspectives that discuss power dynamics within relationships. It's essential to engage with a range of viewpoints to fully grasp the complexity of this issue.

Remember, understanding different perspectives and engaging in further research can help you develop a more well-rounded understanding of the topic and form your own informed opinions.